The 2% Solution: 30 Minutes to Transform Your Life

Why I Love Being a Canadian (and 17 very canuck cliches)

Dai Manuel Season 2 Episode 114

What makes being Canadian so special? Well, let me count the ways...

Join me, Dai Manuel, as we explore this question with a hearty dose of humor and pride. 

From the awe-inspiring Rockies to the charming Maritimes, we'll celebrate our love for the great outdoors and our passion for hiking, skiing, and kayaking. 

We'll also dive into the rich tapestry of our multicultural society, where nearly 22% of Canadians are foreign-born. 

Get ready to laugh as we embrace all the delightful stereotypes—our famed politeness, maple syrup obsession, and hockey fanaticism—that contribute to our unique national identity. 

In the second half, we'll highlight the power of positivity and community spirit that is quintessentially Canadian. 

Discover the mental health benefits of our cheerful outlook and learn how kindness and politeness shape our collective character. 

We'll share the joys of cherished traditions like flannel shirts and maple syrup and discuss the unwavering support we offer each other, especially when our sports teams face disappointments. 

Engage with us on social media, share your love for Canada, and celebrate why our country is an extraordinary place to live and thrive!

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A Message from Dai, host of the 2% Solution Podcast:

Hey there, you fantastic listener! 👋

As we wrap up another episode of The 2% Solution Podcast, I want to throw a massive, confetti-filled THANK YOU your way.

As we launch this podcast, your support is like getting an extra espresso in your Venti Americano—unexpected and refreshing!

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Keep being the amazing, 2%-improving rockstars that you are.

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Love, laughs, and much gratitude,

Dai M.

P.S. I'm primarily active on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Feel free to connect and start a conversation. If you're searching for inspiring, motivational, educational, and healthy living content, check out my over 1500 articles at - I enjoy writing, okay? lol

Dai Manuel:

Hey there, 2% Collective. Welcome back to another episode of the 2% Solution. I'm your host, diamond. Well, and today, on Mental Health Monday, we're discussing a topic that's near and dear to my heart. Why I love being a Canadian. Let me count the ways. But why would it be a great episode without exploring all the amazing cliches that truly make us Canadian? Today, we're going to explore the beauty of our landscapes, our culture's richness and our people's spirit. Let's celebrate what makes Canada a special place to live and to thrive.

Dai Manuel:

Growing up in Canada, I've always felt a deep pride in our country. There's so much to love, from the majestic mountains to the vibrant cities. Today, I want to share why being a Canadian is genuinely awesome. Start with Canada's natural beauty. Mother Nature had a burst of creativity and used Canada as her canvas. There's no shortage of jaw-dropping sights, from the Rockies that look like they're flexing their muscles to the Maritimes that are just showing off their rugged charm. Our national parks and protected areas are so vast that they cover over 344,000 square kilometers, according to Parks Canada. That's like trying to explore a country made entirely of postcards. As Canadians, we're practically born with a love for outdoor activities, whether strapping on the hiking boots for a trek in Banff, donning the ski goggles in Whistler, or slipping into a wetsuit to kayak the Great Lakes there's an adventure for every taste. According to the Canadian Tourism Commission, our love for the great outdoors isn't just a hobby. It's a national pastime that is also good for the soul. So, whether you're a resident or a visitor, prepare to have your happiness level skyrocket as you embrace the Canadian way of life.

Dai Manuel:

Next, let's chat about our culture and values. Canada is famous for its multiculturalism and its acceptance, and this isn't just a polite Canadian way of saying we tolerate others. No sir. According to Statistics Canada, nearly 22% of Canadians are foreign-born. That's right. We're a deliciously cultural stew, a mosaic of traditions and customs, and if Earth was a party, canada would be the potluck dinner. Everyone brings something to the table.

Dai Manuel:

Now let's tackle the stereotype. Canadians are so polite they'll apologize for the furniture they bump into Guess what? It's not that far from the truth. Actually, we keep scoring goals in the world happiness report. Let's face it our politeness is our secret sauce. It's not just about saying sorry 24-7. It's about caring so much we might as well be professional carers. Just indulge in some light-hearted ribbing with these Canadian cliches. Eh, maple syrup and hockey. These two don't scream Canada, I don't really know what does. Maple syrup is not just for pancakes, it's our national emblem. Canada pumps out about 71% of the world's maple syrup supply and Quebec is the sugary heart of this operation.

Dai Manuel:

And when it comes to hockey, not just a sport, it's a lifestyle that comes preloaded on every Canadian's DNA, from toddler Timbits to grizzled pros. Hockey is the tie that binds us. Pros. Hockey is the tie that binds us. Fun fact over 1.3 million Canadians are registered hockey players. That's like if everyone in Calgary decided to lace up their skates at the same time. That would be great. Can you imagine like an entire city of hockey players.

Dai Manuel:

But what about the friendly Canadian stereotype? Studies show that our polite nature is less about avoiding confrontation and more about our passionate love affair with the word sorry. We value community so much that we've practically turned friendliness into our national sport. But this podcast would not be complete without a list of some of the most recognizable and not far from the truth Canadian cliches. Most recognizable and not far from the truth, canadian cliches. And remember, these are all in good friend my fellow Canucks.

Dai Manuel:

Number one the Canadian accent. You know you're Canadian when A is a significant part of your vocabulary and you're not even sorry about it. Number two love for Tim Hortons. It's almost like a national law that every Canadian must start their day with a double-double and a box of Timbits. Number three moose and beavers. The only thing more Canadian than riding a moose to work is having a beaver as your best friend. Number four extreme winters. We don't just endure winter, we own winter. Yes, our igloos are energy efficient and yes, we use polar bears as snowplow.

Dai Manuel:

5. Love for poutine. Our devotion to this gravy-soaked delicacy is so deep that it could be the plot of a best-selling romance novel. Number six Apologizing often, I'm sorry, we're so polite, I'm sorry, we apologize to the furniture when we bump into it. I'm sorry, well, we're looking at you. Apology, act of Ontario.

Dai Manuel:

Number seven hockey fanaticism. We're so obsessed with hockey that we consider Zamboni driving a legitimate career. Number eight plaid and lumberjacks. We're not saying all Canadians are lumberjacks, but we have an uncanny ability to rock a plaid flannel like no other nation. Number nine Mounties. Our National Police Force wears red serge, wide brimmed stettins and riding boots, because when you stop crime, you better do it style. Boots, because when you stop crying, you better do it style.

Dai Manuel:

Number 10, canadians and the great outdoors. We're born with a paddle in our hands and a love for all things outdoors in our hearts. Number 11, obsession with the weather. We're so obsessed with the weather that we've considered making weather forecasting one of our national pastimes, right up there with hockey. Number 12, canadians and plaid. Yeah, I got to talk about it again. We love plaid so much that we've considered making it our national flag. Number 13, canadian cuisine From butter tarts to Nanaimo bars, we're ready to defend our culinary delights with a hockey stick if necessary.

Dai Manuel:

Number 14, saying the word. Eh, yeah, I said it again. Eh, it's not just a word again. Eh, it's not just a word, it's a lifestyle, eh. Number 15.

Dai Manuel:

Canadians are extremely friendly. We're so friendly that even our national animal, the beaver, greets you with a smile. And number 16. Superiority in ice sports. Huh, you bet we're not saying we're born with skates on, but we've seen babies do a perfect triple axle. And number 17.

Dai Manuel:

Canada is always cold. We're the only country where minus 40 degrees means it's a Tuesday, and that's true sometimes of the year. I will admit that. Wait, what other cliches did I miss? Because I know there's a few.

Dai Manuel:

But do you know, being Canadian is a bit like having a secret superpower for mental health, it's true. First, we've got this deep connection to nature. It's like tree sap running through our veins, and science backs this up. The clever folks at the University of British Columbia, my alma mater, found that getting outside can dial down stress and seriously boost your mental health. Then there's the gift of community support. It's like we've got this invisible network of good vibes connecting us all. The Mental Health Commission of Canada underlines how vital these strong community ties are for our mental health. How awesome is it that we've got a culture that holds support and unity so high.

Dai Manuel:

Lastly, let's chat about our positive outlook. You know that classic Canadian cheerfulness and a politeness Well, it's not just for show. Studies in positive psychology highlight that an optimistic mindset can do wonders for your mental health. So next time someone teases you for being too positive, smile and know you're doing your mental health a favor. Remember, being Canadian isn't just about owning a pair of snowshoes and mastering the art of apologizing to inanimate objects. It's about embracing our national pastime of being ridiculously kind, forming human igloos for community gatherings and maintaining unwavering positivity even when our favorite hockey team loses. So let's bust out our finest flannel shirts, pour ourselves a glass of maple syrup and toast to the quirks that make us uniquely Canadian today.

Dai Manuel:

As we wrap up, my fellow Moose Whisperers, I want to say that your feedback, stories and suggestions are invaluable. What are the topics you're curious about? Who would you love to hear from? Your input is driving force behind this podcast. Let's stay connected on Instagram, facebook, tiktok and other platforms to join the conversation and stay in the loop. If this podcast has added even just a little bit of value to your life today, please consider leaving a review and subscribing. It would indeed mean a lot. Thank you for being an integral part of this community. Keep expanding your horizons, remain optimistic and strive to enhance your life by just 2% daily. Okay.

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