The 2% Solution: 30 Minutes to Transform Your Life

Conquering the Inner Critic: Tracy Pleshcourt's Blueprint for Embracing Self-Trust and Breaking Free from Self-Sabotage

Tracy Pleschort Season 1 Episode 96

Have you ever felt like your worst enemy, sabotaging your success with invisible chains of doubt and fear?

Tracy Pleshcourt, a shining light in the world of personal development, joins us in tackling this beast head-on, sharing her story of transformation from corporate titan to entrepreneurial trailblazer. We peel back the layers of self-imposed barriers, dissecting how we can take control and become the architects of our destiny rather than being prisoners of our past patterns.

In our rich conversation, we unwrap the SELF framework, Tracy's brainchild for developing self-trust and steering through the emotional maze of personal growth.

Together, we reflect on the brain's remarkable plasticity and the steadfastness needed to cross the 'valley of despair' - a rite of passage on the road to self-improvement. The added zest to our discussion?

The experience of co-hosting a podcast with family infuses our dialogue on legacy and introspection with warmth and authenticity.

We conclude with a closer look at Tracy's Self-Made Day Planner and her bespoke coaching programs, designed to empower individuals to chart their course with intention and accountability.

The planner is a revolutionary tool. It encourages you to predetermine your emotions and beliefs, thereby sculpting not only your daily agenda but also the narrative of your life.

As we wrap up, we challenge the notion that we are the common denominator in our problems, proposing that a change in our self-education may be the key to unlocking our potential.

Join us in this empowering journey of self-discovery and reign over the realm of self-sabotage.

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A Message from Dai, host of the 2% Solution Podcast:

Hey there, you fantastic listener! 👋

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Love, laughs, and much gratitude,

Dai M.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the 2% Solution, a platform where every conversation moves you closer to your untapped potential. In this episode, we're joined by Tracy Pleshcourt, a personal and professional development visionary, Certified coach and entrepreneur. Tracy specialized in navigating the intricate paths of self-sabotage, a common obstacle many of us encounter in our self-improvement journeys. Tracy will share her inspiring journey from executive to entrepreneur, revealing how acknowledging her true calling transformed her life. If you've ever felt like your biggest hurdle is yourself, you're in the right place today. Let's explore the strategies Tracy used your challenges into stepping stones as well.

Speaker 1:

I'm super stoked because today we have an amazing guest, tracy Pleschkort and yeah, if you see how it's spelled, you probably figured it out. I've been practicing that and so she's going to be a great guest today. She's literally a superhero in the world of personal and professional development. She's the founder of Self Made you. We're going to get into that and also get this. She co-hosts the Tracy and Gracie Becoming podcast as well. One of the coolest things I found about Tracy is her special talent for helping people overcome something that I battled with many times at different periods of my life self-sabotage. And if you're not sure what that is, hold on, we're going to get into it. She's totally got this down because she's both a certified coach and an entrepreneur, so she knows what it's like to face challenges but also to come out the other side stronger. Welcome to the show, tracy.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. It's so fun to be here with you, right.

Speaker 1:

You know, and it's been a while I know it's been several months since we last chatted. I was just getting things started when we first had our meet and greet, and so I appreciate the patience. Also, I've had to reschedule a number of times with you. I just got to say you are cool as a cucumber, as they say, and I really appreciate the grace and understanding. But you know, I really want to talk about you and, most importantly, I was hoping you could share with us the pivotal moment Okay, and I'm sure there's been many, but the pivotal moment that shifted your mindset from being a passenger in life to taking the wheel and driving towards your own success. Because I know there's a pivot here, probably several of them, but I'd love to hear just sort of set us up and then we'll start to dive in some of the things I shared in the intro there.

Speaker 2:

I would say, if I had to like really boil it down to that one moment. It was probably one of the days that I was driving into work. I had very long commutes, I held an executive level position for an advertising agency and I had had that position for almost 18 years and I found myself as an entrepreneur, really trying to fit into an employee's body and it wasn't working very well, and it took me 18 years to figure out that I was just that. I was truly an entrepreneur. I really wanted to create purpose-driven businesses. I really wanted to work 24-7, because that's what it's all about Now. I live, breathe, eat, sleep this business.

Speaker 2:

But it is truly because I'm so passionate about helping people really overcome this self-sabotage.

Speaker 2:

Really I love helping people learn how to trust themselves, and I had opportunities to experience that within my corporate position, but it wasn't enough. And so there was that moment I remember I reported into the CEO and I remember looking at him, telling him I think that now is the time that I'm ready to step away and try something new, and that conversation led to a year long like transition of, like resignation. Neither he, or the agency, or I or my bank account was ready for me to step away, and so over the course of a year, I was able to leave them in a really good place and I was able to work from home, be with my family more and start a business doing something that I really, really passionate about. So, yeah, I think it was. Yeah, it was less about an event, you know, it wasn't anything really dramatic, but it was more of a realization that I was an entrepreneur trying to fit in an employee's body and it really felt uncomfortable for a very long time and I was ready to not feel uncomfortable anymore anymore.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love this. I mean, as some people know, that I myself was in a co-founder's position in a company that I was involved with for 17 years, and then I had a very similar experience around year 15, but it took me about two years to get out of the thing Right. So you were a much quicker study, so good on you. But you know, on the topic, it's self-sabotage because I know there's going to be people that this might be a new term to them.

Speaker 1:

You know, and if it's might be some term that we've heard before, but maybe people aren't fully aware of what is it and how does it actually affect our lives at times? And do you mind just sort of sharing what the actual you know what is self-sabotage? And also, maybe with your story, how is it showing up for you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, self-sabotage, but also, maybe with your story, how is it showing up for you? Yeah, so self-sabotage is really a result that you get in your life that ultimately you've got to take the credit for, you've got to take the responsibility for it. And I think a lot of people who aren't used to taking the credit or the responsibility for the things that happen in their life, they will often be pointing credit or the responsibility for the things that happen in their life. They will often be pointing the finger at all of the things outside of them that cause them to not get the results that they want. And so that could be, you know, being overweight, or you know and you're going to point the finger to your genetic predisposition or your hormones or your gut health, and I mean, those are very legit reasons why people find themselves overweight. But it really does boil down to the thoughts that you are listening to. So I like to explain what is self-sabotage and how does it occur?

Speaker 2:

The root cause of self-sabotage you know, self-sabotage is an experience or a result that you're getting in your life. It's usually not a favorable result. It's usually the exact opposite of something that you really want from your life. But what's causing it is the narratives that your brain is screaming at you. It's what you're listening to. So I have to give your audience a little bit of neuroscience to really make this make sense. So we all have that three-pound organ that exists between our ears and if you were to cut it straight down the middle and think of it as, like, the left side is the primitive side, it's the side of your brain that is missioned with keeping you alive. It's really seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, and it really wants to be efficient. It doesn't want to expend a lot of energy and when we were in a primitive state, that was super helpful, like the, you know, the leaves on a bush would shake and your brain would tell you oh my God, tiger behind that tree right, so super helpful. But in today's day and age, we're not really in any danger. Yet Our primitive brain has been the part of our brain that is used the most. So it makes sense that it's actually the strongest part of your brain. So it's always offering you very dramatic thoughts in the attempt of keeping you safe. But when we're not in any danger and you listen to those fear-based thoughts, you sabotage what it is that you really want. So I like to tell that story because it helps people make sense, it helps people disconnect, it helps people not make their results mean something about their morality, their humanity brain and the thoughts that they're listening to. Unintentionally, they're reacting to these thoughts because they believe them to be true. Who doesn't think that your thoughts aren't true? But really, I mean the truth of the matter is a lot of our thoughts are not true. They're based thoughts. They are very dramatic and they are dramatic because they want to keep us safe when we're not in any danger. So I like to teach my clients that's the half of your brain, that is the strongest part of your brain and so, by default, we operate from that part of our brain and we are very reactive to those kinds of thoughts.

Speaker 2:

The other side of your brain is what I like to call your prodigy brain. Doctors, scientists, would call it your prefrontal cortex, but I call it the prodigy part of your brain because it's the more extraordinary part of your brain. It's the part of your brain that can respond Instead of having these knee-jerk reactions like eating the cookie when you've decided you're on a diet. It's the part of your brain that can actually reason. It can actually question those primitive-based thoughts, those fear-based thoughts that are telling you you better eat that cookie now, otherwise it might not be there when you come back. Right, that's what we all hear. You better eat it now or else, right. And we don't even notice that thinking because it's so familiar and we in retrospect will shame ourselves for eating the cookies. We're not really even hearing it. It's so unintentional. It's such a part of us, because that's the part of our brain that we operate from the most, and so it's very comfortable.

Speaker 2:

But when you start to strengthen the prodigy part of your brain, you'll notice. You'll either notice the feeling of shame or guilt. You'll be able to question the thinking that's causing that feeling and really start to kind of reason with it. Is that even true? Is it true that I won't have access to a cookie if I leave that cookie alone? Like, cookies are widely available and when I decide to eat a cookie with intention, I can do that right. That's what your prodigy brain can do. But you have to not unlike all the other muscles in your body. You have to do the reps to strengthen it right, otherwise you are going to default to that part of your brain that is much stronger because for years and years and years, that's the part of your brain you've been operating from. So it's a little bit of neuroscience.

Speaker 2:

So the primitive brain I don't want to villainize it it has a purpose. It keeps you breathing without having to think about it. It keeps your heart beating without having to think about it. Right, it is the survival part of your brain, but we don't want to be reacting from it. We want to allow those thoughts to be there and we want to have a heightened sense of awareness of when we're hearing it and just let it be there, let the feelings that it cause be there. You don't have to buffer those kind of feelings.

Speaker 2:

We're human beings. We're all supposed to feel the entire spectrum of all the emotions which so many of us believe. Otherwise, we believe we should never feel sad or we should never feel pain. Not true, not true. We're supposed to feel it all. So a lot of people will find themselves in the throes of addiction because they believe that they shouldn't feel pain or they shouldn't feel bored or they shouldn't feel overwhelmed, and they'll turn to outside substances often food and alcohol and shopping, things like that to numb or buffer those feelings when in reality.

Speaker 2:

We're meant to feel those feelings, and having a heightened sense of awareness around the feeling, so that you can respond instead of reacting, it changes everything, and so I have literally dedicated my life to teaching people, and it's truly what I just got done saying. That's the crux of everything that I teach, and it's not the intel that's going to change your life, it's the application. It's literally getting the at-bats and practicing in the moment responding instead of reacting. And then, at the next at-bat, practice again the responding instead of the reacting. And when you don't get a hit or you don't hit the home run, you don't make it mean anything about yourself. You just wait for that next at bat, and you are constantly in the act of becoming somebody who responds instead of reacts. And so that's why my daughter and I named our podcast Tracy and Gracie Becoming, because I truly believe that this journey called life is all about the state of becoming. We don't have to think about it as a finish line. It's like you're always in the throes of becoming the next version of yourself.

Speaker 1:

Oh, tracy, that's one of the best answers I've ever heard for just a descriptor of what's going on in that muscle between the ears Because, like you said, it's all about the reps we put in right. So I do refer to it as a muscle. I once gave a keynote and there was a bunch of doctors there and I had a neuroscientist come up and say, just so, you know, it's an organ. I was like I know that it was a metaphor and alliteration Like hello. It was a metaphor and alliteration like hello. Anyways, I thought that was really funny, but that was awesome. You know, and really touching down on that, there's always an ability to change, but it is a matter of sticking to it. Right Then, and I know that's a sticking point for people, right Is, as we, because we do have this very emotional roller coaster when it comes to change. Yeah, Right.

Speaker 1:

When you look into some of the research that's out there, you know they talk about this valley of despair, right Like we find ourselves, and that's either where we, we, we cut, you know, we turn and we run away, or we double down and keep trying to push through those hard days, knowing that if we trust the process, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We are going to come out, the other side changed in a way that we wanted you know, and. But it's tough, Right. And now I know that and I want to come back to the podcast because I think it's just phenomenal that you and your daughter are doing this and um, and so I want to create some space to have that conversation just about your takeaways, what the experience has been like. I mean, I've only done one episode, but I had one of my daughters on and it was one of the best and most well-received episodes I've done. So I couldn't imagine having a whole show about it. Um, I just think it's so cool.

Speaker 1:

And um, just one other thing the becoming piece. I love that. I often refer to it as we're always evolving, you know, into that next, next iteration, but I like how you put it. I thought that was way better. I like that a lot, you know. So let's talk about your framework. Okay, All right, Cause I know you have this, this, and I'm fascinated, quite frankly, by this self framework. Yeah, Can you just break down the steps for the listeners, the audience here, and make an example of how someone could apply this into their own life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay. Well, it truly has unlimited applications. It truly does so. I use it all day, every day. I did create this framework, so it comes natural to me from my grade school.

Speaker 2:

I can say, you know, it really does take practice to kind of organically be living in this way of learning to trust yourself. And I would agree, I wholeheartedly agree, and that's what I mean when I say recognize the at-bats, recognize that this is truly an application that can be applied in, you know, unlimited ways. I used it the other day when my dogs were barking like off the charts, barking like the world was coming to an end, because FedEx was driving down my driveway and I'm on a podcast and it's sounding like, you know, the world is coming to an end out there, and I'm like, oh my God, I want to kill these dogs, okay. And so I used it in that case. But I also use it to build my business and I use it to maintain my weight loss and I use it to stay sober. So I use it in, you know, the the huge, like momentous ways, and I use it in the most insignificant ways, and it all boils back to learning how to trust yourself. I do believe that, you know, we all have had some educational experience in our life and I think we probably would agree that so much time is spent teaching you what to think and then testing your ability to be able to memorize what it was that they taught us to think. But nobody teaches us how to think, and I believe that being taught how to think so that you trust yourself is the most valuable education that you could ever give or receive. And so, again, that's what we do at Self Made you. We think of ourselves as a school, and all we do is teach people how to trust themselves. And so we use the acronym SELF because we want to make this so easy to remember.

Speaker 2:

So the S is start with a decision, with a decision. So, as my dogs are barking, I ask myself, like how do I want to feel? What is it that I actually want, right? Yes, I want them to stop barking, but I actually don't want to feel this rage. That's like firing inside of me. So it's so simple and it sounds like it's so easy to overlook that step Start with a decision. The S start with a decision. What is it that you want and why do you want it? Those are the two questions that, when you start with a decision, must be answered what is it that you want and why do you want it? People do not ask themselves that question Like they are often like off to the races following some checklist and they don't even ask themselves what is it that I'm trying to achieve here and why? Right. And so what most people do when they're trying to lose weight it's a great example they will go join a program that gives them a checklist of food that they can and cannot eat and they've never really explored why they want to lose weight in the first place. Right. And if they even like those reasons, is it only because society says that you should weigh a certain amount? Is it because you know, the images that we see make us believe that we should be a certain size in clothing? Like you have to ask yourself what is it that you want and why do you want that? Super important. So start with that decision, okay.

Speaker 2:

Secondly, the E is eliminate the self-sabotage. So we talked about what is self-sabotage. It's the result that you would get if you don't start with a decision, if you aren't aware of your primitive brain offering you all of the fear-based thoughts Like it does not matter. I've spent my entire day today coaching clients who are reacting to their fear-based brain, and then they're questioning why am I getting these results that I don't want? Why is my relationship with my husband stagnant? Why am I unable to climb the corporate ladder? Right, it's because they're listening to these fear-based thoughts that are making them feel unworthy, inadequate, frustrated, overwhelmed, right, like that's why that's.

Speaker 2:

The short answer is because you're listening to these saboteur narratives, either very judgmental of yourself or other people, or you're people-pleasing, or you're kind of in this hyper achiever state where your worth is attached to all of your accomplishments. Like. These are all very legit narratives that, depending on our upbringing and depending on what our inherent strengths actually are, we will hear very unique narratives, but we hear the same narratives over and over and over. So we offer a saboteur assessment totally free, so that you can see which saboteur narratives you're most prone to hearing. So there's 10, very universal. There's the judge, which most people can relate to or we're judging ourself, or judging other people. Yeah, the people pleaser.

Speaker 2:

Another very common one the avoider, the stickler, where you have to do everything in a certain order, like in the right way. Mine is the hyperachiever and even though that sounds really nice, that one is probably one of the most painful, because what that narrative says is that you have to be perfect, that everything you do has to be perfect or you're not worthy. That has literally been the narrative that I have listened to and sadly believed for so long and sadly believed for so long and that has led me to suffer the consequences of being overweight and using alcohol to numb my pain, until I recognize that's just a function of my primitive brain. Those thoughts, those narratives, aren't even true. But I didn't know to question them, I just believed them. But when you know, when you have a heightened sense of awareness, you will eliminate the self-sabotage. That would eventually happen simply through awareness. So I love offering people that assessment so they kind of know which narrative to be on the lookout for. They're totally ready for it.

Speaker 2:

So you start with a decision. You eliminate the self-sabotage simply by being aware of what narratives you should be on the lookout for. Then you leverage your prodigy brain strengths. Your prodigy brain, that prefrontal cortex, has access to empathy, discovery, innovation. It can navigate through your values. The prodigy brain can align with your future self or your source or your higher power. Some people believe in God, some people believe in the universe, but through that prodigy brain you can get into alignment with that inner being it has.

Speaker 2:

That prodigy brain has strengths that your primitive brain cannot access. So when you know, through awareness, that you are like knocking on the door of your prodigy brain, I'm here to tell you. Now's the time to leverage those strengths like empathy. Have the compassion for yourself. You're human, you're supposed to feel pain. You're not supposed to experience unnecessary suffering, but pain is necessary, so there's no reason to run from it. Allow it right, like that's what empathy and compassion sounds like.

Speaker 2:

Discovery is another strength, and that has you really looking for all of the factors that might be involved with the circumstance that you're dealing with, because so many of us get involved with a certain circumstance and we are kind of in this habit, this pattern, and we are operating in a very like black and white way. When you tap into discovery, it's almost like somebody takes the blinders off and now you can see all of the factors way more clearly. So there's five strengths that your prodigy brain can leverage, and then that fourth step is the same step as the first step. So this is how easy. It is, right. It's start with a decision, eliminate the self-sabotage, leverage those strengths and then finish with a decision. Finish with a decision.

Speaker 2:

What's the next step? That's so easy, it's hard not to do. That's the question I teach my clients to ask themselves what's the next step? That's so easy it's hard not to do. Make it so incremental easy, it's hard not to do. Make it so incremental because if this truly is the way you start living by trusting yourself, it's like one step on top of the next little tiny step on top of the next little tiny step that have all been like teed up with a decision about what it is that you want. You are operating from a place that your prodigy brain is like all fired up. You're operating with empathy and discovery and innovation. These steps are undoubtedly going in the right direction, doesn't matter how small they are. Make them so easy, it's hard not to do. Before you know it, you've made significant progress towards where it is that you decided in step one that you want to be, and so it's just this cycle, and that's what it looks like to trust yourself, and it literally has unlimited applications.

Speaker 1:

This is so cool. I love acronyms, first and foremost, but I also just love the simplicity of this acronym but, more importantly, how it just gives us some very easy steps to check in with. You know, especially I I like yourself, the high achiever part of me is it's amazing how you you know, unless things are perfect, I'm very slow to ship it, you know like Seth. Godin always talks about right.

Speaker 1:

Just just ship it, just get it out there. You don't know what you need to change until you get it out there. So just get it out there, right, and you're not doing is the sabotage right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Totally, totally, and so I love this. I love that acronym. I think it's fantastic. I know people are going to be digging this. And also, just so everybody's aware, that self-sabotage assessments, or self-assessment, is linked in the show notes. Just click that little button there You'll see all of Tracy's amazing links to her websites, also her day planner, which we're going to talk about in just one second actually, but also to that self-assessment, which I think is wonderful that you're providing that. And so do go find out what kind of person you are or what kind of narrative you most relate to, because there's also some useful steps to help you navigate. And so thank you for that. That's super cool.

Speaker 1:

Since we're on the subject, let's talk about this, because I know that everybody struggles with implementation. Let's be honest, like that is the. You know I was joking with you earlier. You know we. Let's be honest, like that is the. Yeah, I was joking with you earlier. You know we were talking about planners before we we started recording today and I was like yeah, I, I have no short supply of planners. Yeah, I can look over here on my bookshelf and I've got three and they've never been used. So this is really quality shelf help, not self-help. You know, and I'm not alone in this right. I'm not alone in this Right. I'm not alone in this, you know. I know this is a real struggle for a lot of people. It's the implementation of what we're learning, because we love to collect knowledge but, we're very slow to make it wisdom through that application.

Speaker 1:

So I know that you've recognized that that's also a challenge with people in your community, people that connect with you and as a coach, I know this is something that you deeply work with your clients to work through and now you've created a planner self-made day planner and so talk about this because, oh man, I need one that I can use that actually helps me. It sounds like you've really reverse engineered this with the outcome in mind.

Speaker 2:

So I'd love to just hear what this is all about. Yeah, so basically, to become a self-made person, you've got to learn how to trust yourself, right? You stop looking for all of the answers outside of yourself and you start, like, looking within. You stop thinking of yourself as the common denominator to all of your problems and you start thinking of yourself as the solution. And I started thinking about, okay, well, if my framework truly is applicable in unlimited ways, couldn't we apply this framework to something as universal and abundant and that we know everybody has like a day, and I'm like no, this is how.

Speaker 2:

Because our mission here at Self Made you is to become a household name, and we talk about this every single week, like, how are we doing with that big goal? That's our big, audacious goal to become a household name. We really want to be kind of the Kleenex of the self-help industry, right? Like we want people to have self-made you when they think of how do I truly help myself? And it really is learning to trust yourself.

Speaker 2:

And so the day planner has literally like illustrated the steps it takes you from deciding what it is that you want. It helps you. It gives you visuals of all 10 saboteur narratives so that you can identify which one it is that you're hearing. It reminds you of what the strengths are that you can leverage when you're using your prodigy brain. It gives you the questions to ask yourself in order to create empathy and compassion and innovation, and then it holds your hand through making a decision about what that next step is. So there's a little bit of goal setting involved, there's a little bit of well, daily understanding yourself, and then we have not unlike every other day planner. We literally have the hours accounted for on the half an hour, and the way that I teach people to leverage this book and to really use it in a very revolutionary way is to make decisions ahead of time. If this died, this is truly the reason why yours is sitting on the shelf, because people think of a day planner as a tool that you use in the moment. Right, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, oh, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I teach my clients. This is so for 7 am tomorrow morning. I want you tonight, at 7 pm, to be making a decision about what it is that you're going to do, what kind of commitment you're making to your future self. At 7 am tomorrow morning, I want you to be thinking in those terms. So you're making a decision ahead of time about what it is that you're going to do, where you're going to be, how you're going to be, because the next column right next to where you're writing in the commitment next to 7 am, the next column asks you I want you to decide how you want to feel at 7 am tomorrow morning. Now, this is where it gets like so almost magical, like I could literally talk about this for days, because you decide ahead of time how it is that you want to feel. This is what it looks like to be a self-made person, because now you are creating your day. You're creating literally, day after day after day. You're creating the life that you want to live.

Speaker 2:

And the third column says what would I have to be believing to feel that way? Because the only thing that drives the feelings that you experience, the energy, the vibration that runs through your body are the thoughts that you're thinking. And so if you make a decision ahead of time about how it is that you want to feel at 7 am tomorrow morning, or when you're walking into the meeting with your boss, or when you go to dinner with your family, doesn't matter, it's applicable in all of these types of commitments with your family doesn't matter, it's applicable in all of these types of commitments. When you decide ahead of time how you want to feel, you want to support your future self by asking yourself and how would I have to be thinking in order to feel that way? So when you know that your day has literally already been decided and it is a self-made day, it is like the most optimal day, like who wouldn't want to use that planner? Like it is magic and so you can use this. You set your goals ahead of time. You let the goals that you have set really influence what it is that you're saying yes to, in accordance to what's actually taking up your time during your day, and then you are deciding ahead of time how you're going to show up. It's amazing. It's amazing. Before you know it, you literally are believing you are in the body of a self-made person and it just is the most magical, most powerful way to be. And then when you and you know, when you're in the room with a person like that, you can't help but be influenced. When you're amongst that kind of energy and that's what really motivates me is because the clients that we have that have really embraced this and really truly are the definition of a self-made person. They don't only, you know, bask in their achievements, they feel very responsible for modeling this behavior for other people. It's so powerful because it truly has all exponential results and so it's really a privilege.

Speaker 2:

And our day planner can be purchased by anybody.

Speaker 2:

It's on Amazon. It's just called the Self-Made Day Planner and the instructions to use it are in the front of the day planner. But we also offer programs that really allow you to leverage that day planner in a very powerful way, in very specific ways, because we have programming for people who are struggling with overdrinking. We have programs for people who are overweight and want to lose weight. We have programs for people who want to heal relationships and want to achieve their professional goals. So it's very diverse the program that we offer. But if you want to go it alone, this planner will help you, it will guide you through utilizing your prodigy brain and learning how to trust yourself, and so we put that out there. I love teaching the concepts on podcasts and we also offer what we call free coaching Friday and it's available to anyone around the world. 9am on Friday mornings you can come and you can see what it looks like to be coached utilizing this framework. You can just kind of sit and big brother in, or you can raise and be coached, and it's totally free.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I love that. That is so cool. So. So again, we'll make sure to provide these links in the show notes so it's easily accessible to everybody. Make sure you go check it out, Cause I'm sure you've heard at least one or two little nuggets in this conversation with Tracy today. That's like Hmm, Hmm.

Speaker 1:

You know your gut starts to say, hmm as well, it's not hunger pains you're feeling there, that's just your instinct saying you know there's something here I'm a little bit curious about, and I want to just invite everyone take the action, indulge that curiosity and go check it out. I mean, what else do you have to lose? At the very least, figure out what narrative you best relate to when it comes to self-sabotage. No-transcript, get back next season, but uh, yeah, before that, I really want to make mention of your podcast, because I think there's some beautiful themes there. Whether you're a parent or not, I think it's really a well, for lack of better description a becoming podcast, right. So so just what was the, the, the start to that? Like the, the, the big why for that podcast, other than I, of course, you know being having something that you can co-create with your own child is magical. Yeah For selfish reasons.

Speaker 2:

I mean. I think about the business is a legacy business. My daughter is 23 years old, she is a certified life coach and so she is the co-owner of Self Made you and we thought how fun would it be to share kind of multi-generational perspectives on all things. You know everything from love to life, to business, to relationships, and so that's the point of the podcast and we hear people who say you know, it is so fun to hear the different perspectives and that they learn so much. You know, her friends learn from me and my friends learn from her and hopefully we inspire mother-daughter relationships, you know, to really deepen through listening.

Speaker 2:

But for personal reasons, I think about man, the archive that I'm building, and I always think about, you know, the podcast where we'll someday talk about her getting married or her children, my grandchildren and you know, and so we we definitely are very open and transparent to our audience and we take them on the ride of our life and we try to fold in the concepts that we teach to our clients in very relatable ways. But yeah, we have two totally different perspectives and so that definitely gets highlighted. My daughter just said the other day that one of her friends asked her do you and your mom ever fight? And she said only when it comes to podcasting.

Speaker 1:

Ah, what would a fight be about on podcasting? I'm just super curious.

Speaker 2:

Topics topics. The topics that I come up with, she's like, yeah, no, nobody wants to hear that. And then she'll come up with a topic and usually I indulge her on her. Yeah, so it's kind of it. I mean, it's definitely a growth opportunity for both of us. Neither of us are podcast producers or, you know, we're not entertainers by nature, so we've learned a lot through it, but we're coming up on a year which is mind blowing and it's been a fun. Thank you, Thank you.

Speaker 2:

You've already beat the odds yeah, I know, isn't that crazy it is crazy.

Speaker 1:

I had no idea until I started you know, my own podcast, just some of the, the data around stats, and uh, whoa, I didn't even realize that most podcasts never get past 10 episodes. I'm like, yeah, wow, and if you're just doing one a week, that's 10 weeks. That's like under three months. Right, right, it's like right Blows my mind. So congratulations. One year is huge and the fact that you're still talking to each other is a huge testament to the relationship. And, oh my gosh, we've covered so much. We've talked about sort of your transition from a career of 17 years to really listening and trusting your gut, that instinct that said you know what, what if, right, and not only just answered the what if. You actually fully leaned in and jumped into the what if? And I know that's extremely scary and there's a lot of mental blocks. And so we also covered self-sabotage. We covered the self made you and the different options, the self framework we now just talked about you know literally mummy, daughter podcasts and legacy conversations, that future generations.

Speaker 1:

But I'm like so much that you're doing. We could just go for hours. It can be like a Rogan four hour episode, but no, no, I can't do that. You don't want to do that and I don't think the listeners want to hear that. But what I'd like to just quickly make mention of for those that are listening and are watching this right now you know, go and reach out to Tracy. You know, go give a listen to the podcast. I've included that in the show notes. You're going to be wildly entertained because it's interesting to see that generational difference in conversation but yet you still have very similar mannerisms and similar ways of carrying yourself and communicating. So it's just, it's really cool, you know to see that. But also, quite frankly, it just gives me a huge boost of confidence that this next generation they're going to do okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, if we let more people like them I always say that about my daughter well, at least my oldest daughter I'm like, just give them the keys. You know, let them have the keys to the kingdom, because I think they'll do a better job than we're doing you know and I just got to say.

Speaker 1:

you know, gracie's seems like quite an amazing young woman, so good on you, you know. So, listen, I wish we could go all day, but I know we can't. I guess you know, obviously, all your connections, contact info will be in the show notes, so we don't really need to reiterate that. But if you know, I'm just curious for you, you know, cause you guys are across lots of platforms and I'm sure your daughter has some influence with that too, being that they're of the generation that's grown up with this stuff. What's your favorite, you know, for you to? To connect with people, to invite them to be part of this journey, of what you and your daughter are co-creating and literally growing like stink, which is fantastic to see. What's your preferred channel to invite people to sort of follow along?

Speaker 2:

You know, actually I tell people who want to learn more about us just to go to our website, which is wwwself-made-ucom, because it is kind of the one-stop shopping. You can find all the free resources, all of the social media channels. So that's kind of what I spend the most time working on too, but as far as what I get the most joy from it's, honestly, it's watching my daughter's Instagram. She was just telling me that she grew by 10,000 followers last week.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, how do you do that? But she's so compelling, she's so fantastic to listen to and her niche so I'm more of a general life coach. Her niche is on dating, and she specifically helps young men who single, young men who want to date differently or want to change their dating life, and so she's fantastic, and so I get so much joy watching her help people like see their mind and see how they sabotage their results, and once they see it, you can't not see it. Yes, it helps them leverage their prodigy brain to get what it is that they really want, and so they are so grateful and so, yeah, it's just like it's caught fire, and so that's been so fun to watch.

Speaker 1:

That is awesome. Well, I'll be sure to include her handle in our conversations and tags and also put in the show notes. So, hey, gracie, everyone go follow Gracie.

Speaker 1:

Especially if you're a young dude that's looking to improve, Maybe an older dude that has new tricks to learn. You know especially how to approach dating and relationships in a very self-made way. Yeah, You're definitely in tune. So I always like to give my guests the last word. So, you know, if you could just let's not worry about distilling everything I sort of recovered that. But if there was something that you wanted to leave with the listeners, with the audience today, something that might be on theme, based on what we talked around self-sabotage, you know what would you like to leave with them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that it is so common and so universal to come to the conclusion that you may be the common denominator to all of your problems, because your primitive brain, it fights to be right. It's constantly looking for the evidence, you know, to prove that it's right, that you are broken or that you are unworthy. And I just want you to consider that maybe you've just never been taught how to think that you are not broken, that you just have never been taught how to think that you are not broken, that you just have never been taught how to think differently. And those are my famous last words, because I truly want people to consider that thought and just notice how different that feels, how the energy changes in your body when you just consider that you're not broken, that you just haven't yet taught how to think.

Speaker 1:

It's called. It's a Japanese philosophy, but it's also a way of melding pottery that's been broken back together with gold leaf sort of. Basically it's gold, and so you'll see these beautiful pieces of pottery that have been smashed into a million pieces, but they put it back together with all these little gold cracks, and it's all about being able to see the beauty in the imperfection. You know, and we all have cracks. They're gold, you know, because it tells our story right, and so I find that super inspiring. Thank you for sharing those words.

Speaker 1:

What a great way to end the show and this episode and conversation, but I know we're going to have future ones. So again, last invitation everyone, go check out the show notes, go check out everything that Tracy and Gracie are throwing down, because you know what? What do you have to lose? You only have stuff to gain, and I'll tell you, being someone that's constantly, in various stages of my life, battle with self-sabotage, I found today's conversation extremely insightful, but also just gives me this new sense of hope, you know, and so I have you to thank for that, tracy. So thank you for being here today.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for having me, it's been fun.

Speaker 1:

Today we've embarked on a remarkable journey with Tracy, from overcoming self-sabotage to pioneering personal growth. Tracy's insights are a treasure trove for anyone ready to take control of their life. If our conversation today resonated with you, I encourage you to connect with Tracy through her various platforms, all of which I've linked in the show notes today. Just click on those little notes wherever you're listening to this podcast. You'll see them right there, and those links are all hyperlinked so you can get in contact with Tracy on any of our platforms, but also take her up. In contact with Tracy on any of her platforms, but also take her up. She's got a couple of these really cool journals with lots of great exercises and prompts to help start to apply some of the things that she shared today.

Speaker 1:

Don't miss the chance to learn from her experiences right and incorporate these transformative 2% solutions into your life. Remember, every minor change is a step towards your success. Until next time, keep challenging your limits and exploring your potential with the 2% solution. Stay motivated, stay inspired and keep pushing those boundaries further. I'll catch you next time, thank you.

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