The 2% Solution: 30 Minutes to Transform Your Life

How to Stay Positively Motivated Even When Life Gets Hard

Dai Manuel Season 1 Episode 45

Ever wonder what fuels your drive to hit the gym or choose a salad over a slice of pizza?

We've all been there, struggling to find that elusive spark to kickstart a healthier lifestyle. But here's the catch - motivation isn't a one-size-fits-all deal.

Today's episode peels back the curtain on the art of motivation, the powerhouse behind our health ambitions.

From the science that reveals how motivation impacts our ability to start and stick with healthy behaviors to the unique ways each of us is wired to respond to different motivational strategies, we leave no stone unturned. And for those who've ever felt like tossing in the towel, we've got some insights on setting realistic goals and celebrating the mini-victories that'll keep you on track.

But wait, there's more than just theory here; we're packing actionable tools into your kit.

I'm sharing a favorite – a no-strings-attached workbook, which you can snag from the show notes to help you nail down your 'why.'

Grab the WORKBOOK here.

Because, let's face it, understanding the deep-seated reasons behind our health quests can be a total game-changer. 

Also, we're tossing aside the notion of perfection and embracing progress because every baby step forward is a dance move toward victory. 

So, gear up for a ride into the heart of what gets us moving and grooving towards better health, better energy, and a presence that radiates positivity in every aspect of our lives.

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A Message from Dai, host of the 2% Solution Podcast:

Hey there, you fantastic listener! 👋

As we wrap up another episode of The 2% Solution Podcast, I want to throw a massive, confetti-filled THANK YOU your way.

As we launch this podcast, your support is like getting an extra espresso in your Venti Americano—unexpected and refreshing!

Your reviews? They're like high-fives to my soul. Your shares? They're spreading more joy than cat videos on the internet. Subscribing? You're officially the coolest in my book.

Meeting in the 2% Collective Community? It's like watching a garden of awesomeness bloom – and you're all the sunflowers making it happen!

Keep being the amazing, 2%-improving rockstars that you are.

🌟 Stay fabulous, stay tuned, and stay 2%! 🚀

Love, laughs, and much gratitude,

Dai M.

P.S. I'm primarily active on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Feel free to connect and start a conversation. If you're searching for inspiring, motivational, educational, and healthy living content, check out my over 1500 articles at - I enjoy writing, okay? lol

Dai Manuel:

Welcome back to the 2% Solution Podcast, folks. Today we're diving into a topic that's the lifeblood of any transformative journey. What's that Motivation? The spark ignites our drive to get healthy, stay fit and, quite honestly, balance or you know my belief on balance finding more harmony based on life's many demands. So today we're going to dive in and uncover these secrets to mastering the art of motivation.

Dai Manuel:

First, why is motivation the most crucial step to getting healthy? Well, think of it as the engine in your car. Without it, you're not going anywhere. And, according to a study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, motivation is a key predictor of starting and maintaining health behaviors. That internal force pushes you to lace up your sneakers even when the couch is looking pretty nice and calling your name. Now let's discuss how we're each uniquely motivated. Did you know that motivation isn't a one-size-fits-all? A study in psychology today suggests that our motivation styles are as unique as our fingerprints.

Dai Manuel:

Detailed health stats motivate some of us, while others need a supportive community or a personal cheerleader, as I like to say, an accountabuddy, someone to hold them accountable right, that friend that shows up in your doorstep at five through the morning because they're your ride to the gym and they don't leave until you're at the door with them. Literally, it's been shown to be extremely successful for people when they have someone in their corner. It helps them maintain that accountability, not only to themselves but to the others that they're making those commitments to, just by doing the actions. The way I think about it is every time I go to the gym. Yeah, it's for me, it's to make myself feel better, because I know after a workout I always feel a little bit less stress. I also have a lot clearer focus with my mind. Attention-wise, I have better energy to be present. But I also remember that it makes me a better person around my family and around my friends and around my community, because exercise, or being healthy body, ties into my mental health as well. Everything's connected, right, but what happens when you're stuck? How do you get unstuck? The key is finding your why. A research article in the Lancet shows that having a strong personal reason for pursuing health goals significantly increases your chances of success. So dig deep, find your why and let that be your anchor. You know what. To help you with this, I've got a great resource that I'm including in the show notes. It's a link to a PDF you don't have to sign up for anything. Okay, it's just like straight click, boom, you've got access to a Google Drive folder and you can have a copy of the workbook. But it's a workbook to help you get clear on what your why is. So hopefully you enjoy that resource and you use it, and please share a comment, message me, let me know what you think or if you need help working through it.

Dai Manuel:

Now, why do we struggle to stick with our health goals? According to the American Psychological Association, it's often because our goals aren't realistic or we lack a support system. The trick is to set achievable goals and celebrate the small wins. I'm not talking about celebrating making it to the final end stage of whatever that goal is, because every goal can be broken down into smaller incremental steps. To make 100%, you need 52%, or is right? That was the math for me, by the way, but quite literally all those little 2% deposits, which everybody is doing now much more regularly than they were, it compounds very, very quickly and that's where the results land. And so, if we keep in mind that we got to celebrate the small wins and also recognize the progress that we've made, even on the days where we feel like there's no progress being made. Remember, we're seeking progress and not perfection, so every little bit is a win. You take a half a millimeter step forward. That's still a win in my books, because you're still moving forward.

Dai Manuel:

Now, staying motivated to eat right and exercise can be tough. I know that. My tip make it fun, make it enjoyable, make it something that you actually like. The Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that people who find joy in their fitness journey are more likely to stick with it. Mix up your workouts, experiment with tasty, healthy recipes and remember, keep laughing 销便fin, that's really not laughing at least once a day. There's a lot of room for improvement Now. Balancing kids, jobs, health.

Dai Manuel:

I know it sounds like a juggling act, or, as I say, the juggle With the struggle of life. Right, or the struggle with the juggle of life. You know what I mean. It's about prioritization and time Management or, more appropriately, it's actually commitment management.

Dai Manuel:

I know when we try to manage time, it's like this isn't tangible. We can't really grab hold of it, mold it with our hands. I mean, we can conceptualize it, but the thing that we can do that make it more tangible is how do we commit our blocks of time every day, and so if you manage how you're committing to do that thing or share that energy Well, you're gonna find it's much more realistic when it comes to looking your commitments on a calendar, as an example, because you only got so much inventory, you only got so much time in a day. But then we also want to create some space to focus on the things that are most important, like family, like our health and well-being, like our passion projects, like our churches or our other various organizations that we're a huge part of. Either way, we have to create space for this, because we can't just make new time, but we can take from the time inventory that we have and prioritize some commitments around that, and as you get better and better at doing that, or at least more consistent, you're gonna find you find yourself less stressed but also more realistic when it comes to how you plan to reach goals. Right, because it involves taking action. If you don't have a lot of space to take the action, well, of course, if I go to the gym once a week and it's better than nothing, absolutely, but I know if there's certain goals and results that I have, many of which are Gonna evolve more than once a week. I know that realistically in me, or else I'm just gonna be going, going, going and not seeing those results. If we don't see results, we don't find ourselves as motivated. So again, small Results, equal small wins, equal changes over time, all right. So, anyways, this whole idea of trying to juggle everything in our lives.

Dai Manuel:

Well, it's all about prioritization and the time commitment, and the Harvard Business Review article emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and creating a routine with dedicated exercise as well as meal prep time. It's not selfish to prioritize your health, it's essential. And here's a kicker Motivation is a skill yeah, you heard it right. Just like any skill, it can be learned and improved over time. A fascinating piece in psychology today reveals that practicing self-compassion, setting realistic goals and Surrounding yourself with positive influences can strengthen your motivation muscle. So there you have it. Motivation is more than just a fleeting feeling. It's a skill you can develop and harness to transform your health and your life. It's about understanding what drives you, set those realistic goals and find joy in the journey. Thanks for tuning in to this 2% solution podcast episode. You found these insights somewhat helpful. Share this episode with someone who could use a motivational boost. Together, let's thrive, not just survive.

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