The 2% Solution: 30 Minutes to Transform Your Life

Unlocking Happiness: The Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

Dai Manuel Season 2 Episode 116

What does it mean to live a fulfilled life truly?

In this episode of the 2% Solution, I'll take you on a personal journey filled with highs and lows to uncover the essence of fulfillment.

We'll discuss how you can find joy and meaning in everyday moments by harnessing the power of pleasure, engagement, and purpose.

Inspired by the profound teachings of Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning," we explore how Logotherapy can guide you in redefining your life's purpose, especially when faced with stress and a lack of direction.

We'll also explore three powerful strategies for enhancing life satisfaction: 

  1. Pursuing your passions, 
  2. setting meaningful goals and 
  3. practicing gratitude. 

Supported by compelling research from the Journal of Happiness Studies and the American Psychological Association, these practices have been proven to boost motivation and mental health.

We also emphasize the importance of strong relationships, maintaining an active lifestyle, and embracing mindfulness—practices highlighted by Harvard and the Mayo Clinic studies.

And don't miss my book recommendation, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, a literary journey about following your dreams.

Join me on social media to share your thoughts and experiences as we strive to improve by 2% daily.

Let's keep thriving together!

Are you interested in some of the resources shared?

Grab a copy of the Alchemist or Man's Search for Meaning here.

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A Message from Dai, host of the 2% Solution Podcast:

Hey there, you fantastic listener! 👋

As we wrap up another episode of The 2% Solution Podcast, I want to throw a massive, confetti-filled THANK YOU your way.

As we launch this podcast, your support is like getting an extra espresso in your Venti Americano—unexpected and refreshing!

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Meeting in the 2% Collective Community? It's like watching a garden of awesomeness bloom – and you're all the sunflowers making it happen!

Keep being the amazing, 2%-improving rockstars that you are.

🌟 Stay fabulous, stay tuned, and stay 2%! 🚀

Love, laughs, and much gratitude,

Dai M.

P.S. I'm primarily active on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Feel free to connect and start a conversation. If you're searching for inspiring, motivational, educational, and healthy living content, check out my over 1500 articles at - I enjoy writing, okay? lol

Dai Manuel:

Hey there, 2% Collective. Welcome back to another episode of the 2% Solution. I'm your host, dime Manuel, and today, on the Fit Tip Friday, we're diving into something truly transformative the best strategies, hacks and tips for living your most fulfilled life. With over 30 years in the health and fitness industry, I've seen firsthand the incredible impact of living a fulfilled life, especially the impact it makes on our overall well-being. Let's just get into it.

Dai Manuel:

My journey to finding fulfillment has been anything but a straight line. I've been filled with ups, downs, side to sides, over and unders. Oh, my goodness, the good, the bad and the and. I think we can all relate to that. That's the thing about this journey that we find ourselves on called life, but through it all, you know, I've discovered some powerful strategies that have helped me live my best life, at least in theory. No, in reality. It's amazing how it helps me experience more resilience when facing the big challenges. I know it's a cliche. I know it's not about getting knocked down. It's about getting back up every time we get knocked down, and today I want to share some of those strategies and lessons that I've learned through getting back up when I've been knocked down, and today I want to share some of those strategies and lessons that I've learned through getting back up when I've been knocked down.

Dai Manuel:

So let's talk about understanding fulfillment to begin with. What does it mean to live a fulfilled life? Fulfillment is about finding a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose in your daily activity. Positive psychology defines it as balancing pleasure, engagement and meaning in life. But let's be honest, there are plenty of challenges along the way. Some of the common obstacles include stress, lack of direction and just the pressures that we face in daily life. Studies show that nearly 40% of people feel overwhelmed by these challenges hindering their pursuit of fulfillment. That was a study done by the American Psychological Association, and the crazy thing is there's so many other statistics out there that sort of speak to this idea of purpose and meaning.

Dai Manuel:

One of my favorite books that I read I guess it would have been during the pandemic is Man's Search for Meaning by Dr Viktor Frankl, and I have to say it is one of the most huh, to be honest sad books, alarming books, that I've ever read, but also one of the most enlightening books. And you might be wondering how can you have such contrast. Well, to give you a little backstory, dr Viktor Frankl was someone that was not only a psychologist but also someone that was very astute when it came to just mindfulness and just understanding what he was observing around him and being able to look internal and start to process what was going on. What did he have to live through and what did he survive? Well, the Holocaust during World War II. This man lost everyone, everyone that mattered to him, all his family, his friends, like even his partner, his spouse. He lost everything. It's remarkable, the story that he tells. The first half of the book really focuses on his experiences being toted around from different concentration camps, ultimately ending up in Auschwitz as well, and he just recounts what he observed in such detail. But I highly recommend reading it because in his processing of those experiences and the retelling of what he observed in the people, both those that were the persecutors as well as the victims, and the roles that they seem to assume and lead, ultimately, the second half of the book is the early stages of something that was developed by Dr Viktor Frank, or at least pioneered by him, called Logotherapy, which is this idea of finding purpose to ultimately overcome many of the mental health challenges that so many of us deal with, you know, on the day to day. I won't get into it too much more, other than some of the things that I'm sharing today definitely were inspired by some of the logotherapy teachings, as well as a whole pile of other things that are really around this idea of meaning, and the crazy part is we define our own meaning and if our meaning of life is ultimately our own definition of how we define our lives, we have to wonder do we like the definition that we're giving our own lives? Because if we don't, maybe we need to redefine it. So let's get into some of these strategies about fulfillment.

Dai Manuel:

What are the best strategies for living a fulfilled life? There's three that I find extremely helpful. Number one pursue your passions. Engaging in activities you love can significantly boost this sense of fulfillment that we experience. Research from the Journal of Happiness Studies shows that people who regularly engage in their passions report higher levels of life satisfaction. Number two set meaningful goals. Setting and achieving goals gives you a sense of purpose and direction. The American Psychological Association reports that goal setting is linked to motivation and, ultimately, to happiness. Number three practice gratitude. Now, you've heard that on about 20 of my episodes. Hopefully it's starting to sink in, but reflecting on your gratitude can improve your mental health. Harvard Health Studies indicate that practicing gratitude can improve sleep, lower stress and ultimately increase our sense of overall well-being. So there's three simple strategies Pursue your passions, set meaningful goals, practice gratitude all very accessible and it's right there for all of us to have, but it's creating the space to set forth of that, not only that intention, but that immediate action to put those things into practice. That's not so simple at times, but let's get into some hacks, all right. These are some other things that I think sometimes we overlook or we forget.

Dai Manuel:

Number one build strong relationships. Social connections are crucial for this feeling of fulfillment. The Harvard study of adult development found that people with strong relationships are happier and healthier. Number two stay active and healthy. Physical health plays a significant role in mental and emotional well-being. The Mayo Clinic emphasizes that regular exercise boosts your mood and reduces stress. And if you need to look into the science of that, just look at how our brain chemicals, things like endorphins, dopamine, serotonin. Look at how these little tiny chemicals or hormones are influenced by staying active and healthy. It's incredible how simple that little bit of movement with intention daily can really put those things into a better place where our mental health really does experience a lot more resiliency, but also that well-being. Number three embrace mindfulness and self-reflection. Mindfulness practices help you stay present and self-aware, and data from the American Mindfulness Research Association AMRA for short shows that mindfulness can enhance your mental health and overall happiness as well. So three simple hacks Build strong relationships, stay active and healthy and embrace mindfulness and self-reflection. You know.

Dai Manuel:

All this being said, I gave you one book recommendation earlier Man's Search for Meaning by Dr Viktor Frankl. I got one more for you Now. This one's a fiction book, but honestly it's one of my favorites and I've read it almost every year for over 20 years. And interesting enough a little side note it was the very first gift I gave to my now present wife of 23 years, christy. On our very first date, I gave her a copy of this book. I didn't bring flowers or chocolates or the typical cliches. I brought her a copy of the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

Dai Manuel:

Now this story the Alchemist tells the story of Santiago, a young shepherd who's searching for his personal legend. I love how they say personal legend. What's your personal legend right? Are you living your personal legend? Santiago dreams of finding a hidden treasure located near the Egyptian pyramids. Along his journey, he encounters various characters who impart wisdom, including a king, a gypsy woman and, ultimately, an alchemist. Through these experiences, santiago learns about the importance of following one's dreams, listening to one's heart and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things. Ultimately, santiago discovers that the true treasure lies not in material wealth, but in the journey itself and the wisdom he gains along the way.

Dai Manuel:

It's a wonderful story and if you're someone like me that really likes Audible and I know not everyone does, but I do like Audible I love some of their audio books, especially when they get people that are really famous to read those books. One of the Audible versions of the Alchemist is read by Jeremy Irons. If you're not familiar with who he is, look him up Fantastic actor. If you know who he is, I don't need to remind you. Okay, and chances are, even if you don't know him, you've probably seen him and you'll recognize him, but he narrates it the best. He acts out all the characters. It's just awesome and so, honestly, as much as I said, I read it once a year. I tend to listen to it every year for the last decade. I love it.

Dai Manuel:

I highly recommend that book because it's a wonderful example of something called the hero's journey, which is what we all find ourselves on. And Joseph Campbell, the one that coined the term the hero's journey, looked at the historical information from as long as we've been telling stories and he found that there's these common narratives or arcs of which we all relate to. The only little side note is, if you read some of his research, it will ruin your ability to watch TV or movies, because you'll find that those narratives are replayed in everything. Okay, we see it happening again and again in film, on the stage, but also in our lives, and that's why it's so powerful. But on this hero's journey, you know, he was once asked about it like well, what is the purpose of our lives, what is the meaning of this? And he says you know what? Pursuing our bliss or, as he says, finding our bliss, being on a life of searching for our bliss. And when people say, well, what's your bliss? He's like it's seeking that ability to experience more happiness, joy and fulfillment in their lives. You can sort of see where I'm going with all this right. Hopefully, focus for you Now.

Dai Manuel:

There are some practical solutions for many of the common challenges that we face when it comes to putting into action some of these strategies, hacks and ideas that I've shared with you today. Number one is balancing work and play, and you know my feeling on balancing. I think I'm more about a guy that likes to harmonize those things, but I think in this instance, balancing is a great way to describe it, because maintaining a healthy work-life balance, or harmony, is essential. Studies from the Journal of Occupational Health and Psychology suggest that setting boundaries and prioritizing downtime can improve overall well-being. Interesting enough, when we look at those power nine principles in the blue zones and this is where people around the world are living into their hundreds and thriving we know that taking time to just downshift, take a break, is critical in their longevity and vitality. Who knew? Well, obviously they knew Now.

Dai Manuel:

Number two is developing resilience. Building resilience helps you bounce back from setbacks. The American Psychological Association highlights that resilience can be created through positive thinking and supportive relationships. Man, are we seeing recurring themes, or what? Yeah, of course. Number three living authentically, bringing true to yourself, is vital to fulfillment. Research from Dr Brene Brown and if you don't know who she is, oh my goodness, go check out Ted. I'm talking about the TED Talks. He's got a number of them, some of the most inspiring TED Talks I've ever heard on leadership and vulnerability in leadership, so I highly recommend that. Also, I've read all her books. I think it's absolutely fantastic. Anyways, research from Dr Brene Brown shows that embracing authenticity enhances your self-worth and leads to a more meaningful life. Again, three practical things to focus on and put into practice, which will help you with some of the other tips and strategies that I shared earlier in the episode. So that's all for today's episode.

Dai Manuel:

My 2% Collective Warriors, remember living a fulfilled life is an ongoing journey. It doesn't stop, start, continue, unless you choose for it to do. It's ongoing. Pursuing your passions, setting meaningful goals and practicing gratitude can create a life rich in satisfaction and deep in purpose. Before we go, I'd love to hear your feedback, stories and suggestions.

Dai Manuel:

What strategies have helped you live a fulfilled life? Shoot me a text message. You'll notice it in the show notes. Now Just scroll down to the bottom of the episode description. There's a hyperlink there. If you click on that, it will open up on your browser or, more importantly, on your phone, your SMS app, and you can send me a direct text. It is only one way, so you can only send it to me. I can't send it back unless you leave an email or a phone number in your text that gives me permission to read back to you.

Dai Manuel:

But I'd love to hear your suggestions, stories, thoughts on today's episode or recommendations for other guests or topics for future episodes. Connect with me on Instagram, facebook, tiktok and all the usual places to stay updated and join in on the conversation, and if you enjoyed today's podcast, a review and subscription would mean the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Keep pushing your limits, stay positive and always aim to improve by just 2% every day. I'm still Diamond Well and you've been listening to the 2% Solution. Let's keep thriving together and I'll see you next time.

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