The 2% Solution: 30 Minutes to Transform Your Life

A Journey of 100 Episodes: Celebrating Milestones and Looking Forward on The 2% Solution

Dai Manuel Season 2 Episode 100

Pop the cork and join me, Dai Manuel, as we celebrate a journey of inspiration and growth, marking our 100th episode on the 2% Solution Podcast!

Reflecting on the vibrant tapestry of stories we've shared, we've hit 62k downloads, connecting with listeners across 97 countries and 1100 cities. Our community, a brilliant blend with a slight female majority in the 35-55 age range, has been the heartbeat of our success. 

This episode is a toast to the wisdom we've exchanged, revisiting our cherished moments, from Ted Lasso's infectious optimism to Philip Pape's life-shifting health advice for the 40+ crowd and even my battle with low testosterone. 

Special guests like Tara Robertson and Dave Albin have illuminated the complex landscapes of diversity and mental health, pushing boundaries and expanding our horizons. 

As we look to the future, we're excited to explore new realms, including sustainable living and financial wellness. 

Here's to the shared stories of resilience, the art of listening, and the unwavering commitment to daily improvements, all to craft a more fulfilling life. 

Let's raise our glasses to the next 100 episodes and the countless adventures awaiting!

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A Message from Dai, host of the 2% Solution Podcast:

Hey there, you fantastic listener! 👋

As we wrap up another episode of The 2% Solution Podcast, I want to throw a massive, confetti-filled THANK YOU your way.

As we launch this podcast, your support is like getting an extra espresso in your Venti Americano—unexpected and refreshing!

Your reviews? They're like high-fives to my soul. Your shares? They're spreading more joy than cat videos on the internet. Subscribing? You're officially the coolest in my book.

Meeting in the 2% Collective Community? It's like watching a garden of awesomeness bloom – and you're all the sunflowers making it happen!

Keep being the amazing, 2%-improving rockstars that you are.

🌟 Stay fabulous, stay tuned, and stay 2%! 🚀

Love, laughs, and much gratitude,

Dai M.

P.S. I'm primarily active on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Feel free to connect and start a conversation. If you're searching for inspiring, motivational, educational, and healthy living content, check out my over 1500 articles at - I enjoy writing, okay? lol

Dai Manuel:

Hey, there, it's Diamond Wallyer, and I can't really believe it. We're here. This is episode 100 of the 2% Solution Podcast. I mean, there were fewer candles on my last birthday cake and let's say that was a pretty significant fire hazard. But here we are and it's all thanks to you, our incredible listeners. Today we're going to take a little stroll down memory lane and celebrate this incredible journey we've been on together. We'll dive into some of our most significant milestones, express our deepest gratitude because I'll tell you, I am overflowing with it. Really, it's just been such a wonderful experience and I'm excited to share a few highlights with you. We're going to dive into some of our most significant milestones, but also, let me tell you there's a lot of that to go around and explore what we've learned. We'll be setting the stage for the next 100 episodes because, trust me, I'm just getting started Now.

Dai Manuel:

Looking back, I know we've all come a long way since that first episode. I can't believe it was only six months ago, but what started as a little idea to share insights and stories has quite literally blossomed into this amazing community. I'm so grateful for everyone who has tuned in and joined us so far. I'm so grateful for everyone who has tuned in and joined us so far. And so with this episode, really it's, it's, it's. Stop it, you know, because this is all about celebration and we're going to get started. Let's dive into the biggest milestones first, or I often refer to these as the moments when we realize we were on to something pretty darn special, and I know that's a lot longer than saying biggest milestones, but truly that's how I feel about these things and I think you know I'd invite you to reflect on some of the big milestones that you've experienced over the last six months because, as small as they may seem at the time, they're important because they were markers on the journey of our lives, and so every one of those moments is an experience, and an experience that propelled us forward. And so today, yeah, these moments that we realized we were under something pretty darn special, or milestones I'm going to take you back to episode one.

Dai Manuel:

I quite literally remember sitting down to record, not knowing where this journey was going to take me, but guess what? Not knowing where this journey was going to take me, but guess what Started from the bottom. Now we're 99 episodes higher, and each episode, each conversation and each story I had the opportunity to share has made us all of us, because we're on this together more prosperous and richer in experience, but also insights. This journey has been nothing short of amazing, but I'd like to also share something pretty cool with you. I'd like to talk to you about some of the numbers that I've been observing over the last six months as it relates to the podcast and really the impact that it's allowing not only myself to make, but others, like the guests I've had, and getting them in front of people that never heard of them or maybe had heard of them but wasn't really aware of how they could help them and support them and inspire them to take action. Well, as of today recording this, we've had just over 62,000 downloads. You heard that right 62,000 in 99 episodes. We're in 97 countries and over 1100 cities. I can't believe it, even just saying that. I'm shocked, but it's true. We're practically gone global and a huge shout out to our listeners in the USA and Canada. Eh, because you may got nearly 85% of all those downloads. Also, what was interesting is the listeners, demographically speaking, are a little bit more women than men, based on what it's reporting, as well, as most people are falling between the ages of 35 to 55. Interesting, right? So you fall in that category. Hey, you're with your peeps right now. Right, you're with your peeps, but who knew our conversations would resonate from Vancouver to Vermont and back again?

Dai Manuel:

And speaking of resonate, let's move on to our top five episodes. Now these are the ones that you, our listeners, have loved, shared, replayed and reviewed. The top five favorites include starting at number five, we'll work our way to the number one episode. Number five, episode 28,. Unleashing the Ted Lasso Magic Lessons on Optimism, relationship Building and Embracing Vulnerability. If you haven't listened to that episode, I highly encourage going back to it. As you may or may not be aware, my wife and I are Ted Lasso fans. In fact, we are rather disgusting as we tend to quote as well as reproduce scenes from his show, and I share some of my most memorable quotes from the various seasons that the show was on Apple TV. So if you get a chance, go back, re-listen. I'd be really curious to know if any of those five resonate with you as much as it resonated with my wife. That's number five.

Dai Manuel:

Now number four, episode 35, embracing Health After 40, philip Pape's Guide to Fitness, food Freedom and Mindful Living. Now for those that may or may not remember, I've been a guest on Philip's podcast Wits and Weight and it's absolutely incredible. I mean, the guy is practically a human engineer, data-driven and, my goodness, also a biohacker. So you put all these interesting qualities together and you got a guy that's just really good at helping people get results. So you haven't had a chance to listen to his podcast. I definitely highly recommend that you check it out. But even before that, go and check out the conversation that we shared on episode 35, embracing health after 40. Because if you're venturing close to 40, you know someone in their forties or you yourself have found yourself, you know, getting over that hump of 40 plus. There's a lot of tips and tricks and strategies that you'll find useful in that episode.

Dai Manuel:

Now number three, episode 27, overcoming low testosterone. Naturally, my journey from feeling 84 when I was 34 and back to optimal health. Yeah, I share some highlights of uh, I remember back in my thirties getting my testosterone, while it was actually a whole hormone profile. They started working with a functional medicine practitioner, of which his name is Spencer Coppin, and if you had a chance to listen to episode 98, by the way, just came out this week I interviewed Spencer. We got to have a great conversation and talked a bit about that journey back in the day, many, many moons ago. But regardless, you know this idea of testosterone. Now I know women with with estrogen and a number of other hormones. They face similar challenges that us men do. You know we we stop regulating certain lifestyle choices and health choices and maybe health conditions preexisting or not, maybe affecting our testosterone levels. And that one thing when testosterone starts to dip, guys watch out because a lot of things follow that dip. I won't get into it all right now, but if you want to learn more about that, episode 27. Now episode number two.

Dai Manuel:

My second most popular episode was a solo one where it was entitled To Live your Best Life. You Need to Answer these Four Questions. In that episode I shared my four favorite questions for helping you find clarity, because when you find clarity and direction, you'll feel confident. And when you feel confident, watch out, because it's way simpler to take action and keep taking action. Am I going to tell you what those four questions are? No, you're going to go back and listen to episode 22. All right, now number one.

Dai Manuel:

Number one most listened to episode by far is episode 43, which is mental health 101, embracing mental health for a happier you. I don't have to go into too much why I think that episode is so popular. It's just real life tips, tricks and strategies that have helped me, as well as a lot of people I've worked with and people that I know personally and professionally that have struggled with various mental health challenges in their lifetime, and so that episode is really a culmination of a lot of those tips, tricks and strategies and suggestions and a couple of little anecdotes to really help you manage mental health but, more importantly, go from maybe a feeling of just barely surviving to a state of continuous stuff. So yeah, episode 43, that is the number one most downloaded listen to episode. So there you go, top five episodes.

Dai Manuel:

We've talked a little bit about all the countries that we're making some impact in the bottom line is we've laughed, we've learned and we've all grown together. These episodes embody the heart and soul of the 2% Solution podcast. So as we look back and celebrate these milestones, I want to thank you. Thank you for joining me. This journey has been amazing, but it wouldn't have been anything like it's been without you being a part of it, tuning in and sharing your time with me.

Dai Manuel:

Here's 600 episodes, but we're not done. Because you know what I really want to acknowledge you. You are the stars that's really made this show what it is. Yeah, I'm talking about you, our listeners and, of course, more importantly than not, the amazing guests that have donated and given their time and energy and expertise to come on and help all of us Not only you, the listeners, but me too. So, obviously speaking, I love meeting all these guests because it's like a personal coaching session every single time. So can we take a moment to appreciate that you folks tune in to hear my voice regularly. Honestly, thank you Because, trust me, my mom tells me it's not even that great. But, jokes aside, your support, engagement and feedback mean the world to me. Every comment, share and story you've shared with me has fueled the fire of this show. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Dai Manuel:

Now, speaking of stories, I want to share one from a listener named Sarah. She wrote the host's blend of inspirational and practical strategies in each episode feels like unlocking a secret code to personal growth. In just 30 minutes or less, you'll find yourself equipped with the tools and motivation to make real changes. This isn't just a podcast. It's a blueprint to fulfillment and success. Five stars for its unique approach and Dyson wavering dedication to helping others. Sarah, thank you. This is why I do what I do, but it's not just me here.

Dai Manuel:

We've had some genuinely incredible guests who brought their e-games, shared their wisdom and, let's face it, made me sound a lot smarter than I am. Who can forget our episode with the ever-inspiring Tara Robertson, who taught us about the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, not only in the workplace but well beyond that, in everyday practical life? Or when we had Dave Albin open up about his journey with mental health struggles and addiction, but eventually ending up leading all the firewalking events for Tony Robbins for over the last 25 years. I mean these insights and stories and expertise have made this podcast what it is today and I'm immensely grateful for not only their time but especially their contributions. So here's to our thousands of listeners, as well as our hundreds of dynamic guests, and to another hundred episodes of learning, growing and, of course, laughing together. Because we're not laughing at least once a day? We got a lot of room for improvement.

Dai Manuel:

I'd like to talk about a couple other things as we sort of come to the end of today's celebratory episode, but I like talking about some of these common themes that have literally quite well. Maybe they haven't been as obvious, but, going through this reflective process, I've definitely seen that there's been a lot of themes that have emerged from these interviews. One major theme is importance of resilience, but also adaptability. Whether an entrepreneur was navigating the ups and downs of business or a health expert discussing the latest wellness trends, the message was clear Adaptability is key. Life throws curveballs and our ability to adjust and keep moving forward is crucial. Now, another recurring theme is the power of community and connection. Many guests emphasize the significance of surrounding ourselves with supportive, like-minded individuals. This has shaped the direction of this podcast, pushing me to create a community where everyone feels empowered and inspired, and we're doing that together.

Dai Manuel:

I've learned much about my personal growth through this podcast journey. First and foremost, I've learned much about my personal growth through this podcast journey. First and foremost, I've realized the immense value of listening. Each guest brought a wealth of knowledge and experience, and genuinely listening to them has enriched my understanding of health, wellness, as well as personal and professional development. Hosting this 2% Solution podcast has also taught me the power of consistency Showing up week after week for three episodes, delivering content and engaging with you. Our fantastic community has reinforced the idea that small, consistent efforts lead to significant, lasting change. That is the essence of the 2% philosophy.

Dai Manuel:

So, as we look ahead to the next 100 episodes, I'm excited and grateful. We'll continue to explore these things. We're going to continue to bring on inspiring guests, but we're also going to deepen our connection with you, our incredible community and our listeners. So, as I sort of come to the close, I want to talk about where we're going. You know I've talked about where we've been, where we started, what we've been up to, but now let's really talk about where we're going. You know I've talked about where we've been, where we started, what we've been up to, but now let's really talk about the future. Where are we going? Where are we going as this 2% collected? Because if you think the first 100 episodes were great, wait until you hear what we've got planned next. Let's start with our future goals.

Dai Manuel:

Our vision for the next 100 episodes is pretty ambitious, inspiring and also rooted in our core belief that small, consistent improvements lead to massive changes. We're going to dive deeper into topics that matter most to you, like mental health, physical wellness, personal development and holistic living. You can expect more actionable insights, practical tips, motivational stories which are going to help elevate your life by just 2% each day maybe more. We'll also be exploring new themes Now. One area I'm particularly excited about is sustainable living. We're going to examine how eco-friendly choices can enhance your well-being, but also plan its well-being. Another new theme is financial wellness. Managing money wisely is crucial for a balanced, stress-free life. And, of course, we'll continue to delve into advanced fitness techniques, cutting-edge health research and trends, but also the latest in personal growth strategies.

Dai Manuel:

And when we talk about listener engagement, I'm talking about you. You guys are the heart and soul of this podcast and we want to bring you closer to the action. First up, planning more Q&A sessions. Your questions have always been insightful and I can't wait to dive deeper into the topics you care most about. We're also introducing live interactions. So imagine tuning in to a live recording of the 2% Solution, where you could quite literally ask questions in real time. Yeah, be part of the conversation. Plus, we're launching community building activities within the 2% Collective, which is going live in June 2024. Finally, I know it's been a long time coming, but it's going live. We're doing a soft launch in June and with an official launch in fall 2024. Basically, think challenges, meetups, online groups where you can connect with fellow listeners, share your progress, but also support each other.

Dai Manuel:

And let's not forget the guest lineup. We've got some incredible guests lined up for you. I can't spill all the beans yet, but here's a little teaser. We're bringing in leading experts from diverse fields health and fitness gurus, mental health advocates, environmental activists, financial advisors and a lot more. We're committed to expanding the diversity of voices and expertise on the show. This means more perspectives, more stories and more inspiration for you. Whether it's renowned psychologists discussing the latest mental health strategies, an entrepreneur maybe sharing tips on achieving work-life balance, or a fitness trainer revealing new workout techniques, you're in for some really fun content and episodes. So buckle up, my wellness warriors. The next hundred episodes of the 2% solution will be a wild, wonderful ride, because we're raising the bar, expanding our horizons and always, you know, striving to help you improve by that 2% every day.

Dai Manuel:

All right, so you know I got to get to the end of this, and there's a couple other special mentions I like to make. Is is thank you to to a few of our sponsors. You know I've I've had a few brands step up. They've come on board to be interviewed, share some of their insights and expertise as it relates to some of the products in the various categories that are relevant to their industry, which I always love. They come on, they talk about the benefits, like fish oil as an example. Right, we're also accustomed to using fish oil not very sustainable, right. But then we had Orlo on. We had this great conversation. We learned all about sustainable practices and creating an omega-3 plant-based supplement, which is just as good but actually in some cases more bioavailable, meaning that we can actually absorb more of it than we could in the fish equivalent. Interesting, right, that's just one great example.

Dai Manuel:

And peruse right, he came on, talked about conscious care and self-care. I mean wow. I mean these brands have huge impact. They want to make peruse or Orlo, you know, unity, I mean gosh, and there's more brands out there, which I think is amazing. When I can align with these different brands and they're aligned with why we're all here. So, thank you. Shout out to them More on that later.

Dai Manuel:

But really, as we wrap this special 100th episode of 2% Solution, I want to take a moment to reflect on our journey and share some final thoughts with you. This has been an incredible ride and I'm so grateful to have each of you along for this adventure. Looking back, it's incredible to see how far we've come From that very first episode to now. We've explored a lot of topics and, quite frankly, shared a lot of different stories countless in fact and we also learned so much together.

Dai Manuel:

This podcast started quite literally as a small idea. It was just a way to share some tips and some inspiration, but it's grown into a thriving community of like-minded people committed to the self-improvement and living their best lives. You're mentoring and modeling this every day you wake up. That's awesome. I'm filled with optimism for the future. We've got so many exciting plans lined up and I can't wait to dive into the next hundred episodes with you. Whether exploring new wellness trends, diving deeper into mental health or bringing on more incredible guests, the journey ahead is looking really bright, but also very full of potential.

Dai Manuel:

Now more than ever, I encourage you to continue your journey of self-improvement. Remember, it's about those small, consistent changes, the 2% improvements that add to massive transformations over time. Do I sound like a broken record? Yet, well, I should, because I'm going to keep saying it and saying it and saying it. Keep challenging yourself, stay curious. Never stop striving for growth. You've got the power to make incredible things happen. Just do them one step at a time. And before we go, I have a little call to action for you.

Dai Manuel:

I'd love to hear your feedback, your stories, suggestions. What topics do you want to see covered in future episodes? Which guests do you want to hear from? Your input is invaluable and helps shape this podcast direction. Please share your thoughts on our social media channels or just message me If you haven't already. You can follow us on Instagram, facebook, tiktok pretty much any social channel out there to stay updated and join the conversation. And if you're enjoying the podcast, I'd be so incredibly grateful if you could leave a review and subscribe. Your support means the world to me and helps more people discover the show. Again, thank you for being a part of this fantastic journey. Here's to the next 100 episodes and beyond. Keep pushing those limits, stay positive and always aim to improve by just 2% every day. I'm Diamond Wall and you've been listening to the 2% Solution. Let's keep thriving together. Thank you.

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